177 (pt. 2) Nine Gifts for a Loving Relationship

In the intricate dance of relationships, we carry invaluable treasures that enrich the bonds we share with others. These gifts, when cultivated and shared, have the power to transform not only our connections but also our own lives. Exploring these gifts, we want to bring our personal life examples and some new ways of looking at some of the foundational gifts in every relationship.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
176 / Nine Gifts for a Loving Relationship (pt. 1)

God has given us gifts to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. It is through giving and receiving gifts that we can experience security, comfort, ease, and enjoyment in our relationships. In this series, you will learn how reframing our relationships and perspectives can lead to a profound shift in how we experience life. Foundational to our growth steps is to recognize and experience that our joy comes from the life of God within, and not from external sources, we can find happiness and contentment in every moment. With intention and regaining our power of choice, we can reframe our thinking, we can develop and grow in our journey towards a life of promise full of abundance.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
175 / When I feel like I’m failing…

When we feel judged, we tend to quickly judge that person back. When we react out of a broken heart, we will continue to project judgments on the people around us to feel better about ourselves. This is what keeps us stuck. You can learn to change your mind… and your relationships will change. Instead of a fixed mindset (This will never change!) we encourage you to develop a growth mindset! (I can adjust!). Problems feel huge at the moment, but when your mindset adjusts, your choice is engaged, and the “problem” loses its “hugeness” and power.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Your Bucket List: And the Goals to Get There!

Setting goals and creating bucket lists is a powerful way to transform your life. It helps you define your aspirations, align with your values, and strengthen your relationships. By turning your dreams into tangible goals and taking consistent action, you can create a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and filled with incredible experiences.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Bridging the Gap

This episode will bring you massive amounts of encouragement as we ask important questions about this past year. Having clarity and reflection on your past year could be the very thing that will propel your life forward. Much of life starts with your mindset, and your approach to your life and your day. What influences your life the most is your state of mind in each moment. You are telling yourself a story and adding meaning to each life situation and experience. Your new choices will result in creating a new life. The best thing you can do for your relationships is to learn to change your mind. A growth mindset is a must for great relationships. Let’s prepare for 2024 to be the best year we have ever had! We love doing life with you!

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Reframing Unhelpful Thoughts

Reframing a limiting mindset taps us into powerful momentum and moves us towards living with effortless victory. Learning the art of being flexible and remembering that we always have a choice to reinvent ourselves according to the best-heavenly-version of our identity… that is the key to growth in every area of our lives.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
The Art of Understanding.  

Together, finding mutual understanding requires more curiosity than certainty and more safety than solution. It requires us to be vulnerable with one another. We believe that the process of understanding proceeds the advancement and growth that we are all looking for.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
169 / We don’t agree! (Here’s a great plan)

Relationships always include “individuals” with their own unique sets of convictions and beliefs! Convictions are deeply personal and unlikely to change even when we love each other and want to honor each other. Let’s learn the art of accepting differences of opinion within relationships, fostering open communication, and identifying areas of agreement while honoring individual convictions. This is a wonderful way to live in sweet harmony in our family and relationships!

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
168 / What’s my role in helping?

Negative emotions are helpful and necessary when we let them ricochet us into making choices and decisions that will benefit our lives, our future, and our relationships. Instead of smothering you with “feel-goods” and positive advice, I am trusting you and your journey. Instead of jumping off my own path in life, and jumping onto yours and clearing the way, I will just walk beside you.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Defying the Odds: Your Headlines and Happenings

You are bombarded with headlines every day. But you get to write the article. Your choices, responses, and decisions interchange with circumstances to create how your story ends. Every relationship you have is impacted by you, and how you observe it. Life isn’t about circumstance, it’s about who you are agreeing with.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Encouragement Your Ray of Sunshine

Speaking words of encouragement is like using the language of sunshine: Warmth, light, and life. Encouragement is like taking a huge bunch of courage and dropping it straight into your heart and making you strong! Encouragement empowers you, and then when you’re overflowing, you can generously give it to those around you.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Break Free from Unhealthy Ties

Beneath the surface of seemingly healthy relationships, there can exist toxic elements that hinder personal growth and emotional well-being. Let’s identify these and break any unhealthy ties to agendas, comparisons, and vices that can taint our relationships, causing significant harm to ourselves and those around us. This is a great day for freedom!

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
You don't have to wait.

While waiting for conditions surrounding a person to change, and longing for progress, we can find ourselves saying things like: “He’ll never change. She’ll never understand. He’ll never grow up. She’ll always be mean.” These thoughts and judgments, if left unchecked, turn into debilitating beliefs. Getting on this train of thoughts leads to more and more thoughts, and your heart will now seek to be justified, and before long, there’s a possibility that you’ll get obsessed. Instead of waiting for: Results. Change. Answers. Miracle. Progress. Why not change what you can do today?

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Attention is a Big Deal

We’re going to look at a pattern of three words: Intention, Attention, and Vision. We’re going to work through ten intentions that you may want to set for yourself that would really help your relationships moving forward together. With intention, we can choose to set our attention, find new sight and experience the pleasures of affection. Let’s stoke the fire of momentum and invest in deciding your intention, attention, and vision for your every day.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner
Infectious Joy!

Search for good news! You will find what you’re looking for. And “match” the excitement and celebration of others. Anything you ARE wanting to experience more of….redemptive qualities in your children and spouse, good news, beauty, and hope, look and focus on those things. Whatever we focus on gets bigger and stronger and has the potential to change the story of your life while producing infectious joy.

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Bob & Audrey Meisner