The Weights of Resentment: GONE!

One revelation can change your life! When it comes to resentment - it seems there are so many ways to define it, deal with it, visualize it, and there are many different ways resentment can get triggered in your heart. We want to help! There are no such things as problems, just a lack of understanding. It seems, when it comes to resentment, we keep getting layers upon layers of understanding and how freedom is accessible! And letting go of the weight of resentment launches you into rewards!

Forgiving others is a key to loving life. But it is easier said than done. And some personality types just find it easier than others. If you’re a high-justice person, it makes no sense to forgive. And there’s no way you want to let someone off the hook, unless there’s repentance, change, proof of change, etc. That very expression of letting them off the hook doesn’t sit right. That would be unwise. You don’t just let someone off the hook!

We understand. And we have both had journeys with getting freedom from the weight of resentment! 

Audrey: Even though I have a general bend towards being merciful and forgiving others has generally been an easy one…I can recall seasons of life when resentment arrested my thought life, and I found myself thinking way too much about an offense, or about someone I simply didn’t like. 

Resentment starts with a negative thought.  

We all have different sensitivities to where resentment wants to implant itself into the soil of our hearts. Here are some of the circumstances and offenses that can trip us up:

  1.  Personality clash: When you feel like someone just rubs you the wrong way or gets on your nerves and you’re forced to spend time with them? Whether it’s work or family or school, spending time with someone you don’t like can breed resentment.  

  2. Jealousy: Do you know someone who has excelled and succeeded in an area that irks you? Do you feel like they don’t deserve it? This can breed resentment.

  3. Judgment: Is there someone famous that you don’t like? Politicians, celebrities, whoever it may be, giving them your thought-time is breeding negativity…and robbing you of peace.

  4. Accusations: Have you ever been debased by someone unjustly? Has someone been mean to you and cut you to the core? It’s these kinds of words and events that easily turn into resentment.

  5. Unappreciated: When we sacrifice for others and don't feel acknowledged or appreciated, it can bring division to that relationship.

  6. Belittled: Does being with a certain someone make you feel devalued and small? Feeling unimportant and not valuable can plant that seed of unforgiveness.

  7. Bad behavior: when someone is making bad choices, and they’re affecting your home and atmosphere…

  8. Memories and cellular memory: There are smells, locations, and other triggers that can feed the resentment in your heart, because of pain and judgment in your heart.  

Resentment starts with a seed of offense, but it’s PLANTED IN INSECURITIES.  


Resentment, if not cut off, grows with every continued negative thought and gets heavy like a boulder or anchor you are dragging around throughout your day. Resentment grows and grows over time. Feeding it with more negative thoughts or feelings increases its power until it becomes an invisible burden. Most people don’t even know they’re dragging it behind them. Resentment can get very very heavy.

Imagine trying to live life, following the path of your journey, and wondering why you aren’t moving fast, why you’re tired, why you’re not gaining progress or momentum, and feeling like quitting, frustrated and stuck.

What if there’s a possibility you are dragging resentment? And because it’s invisible, you don’t even know? This could answer a lot of questions for you. For some, it might even answer decades of questions for you.  


Audrey: This became acutely clear to me Recently while praying with someone. Her struggle in life left her desperately trying to stay above water, so to speak. When someone is this desperate, the first thing we have to do is find footing. Imagine being in the middle of an ocean, there’s a raging storm, and you’re exhausted from treading water. The first thing you need is something to stand on and catch your breath.  

That’s what we did first. Instead of being overwhelmed by life’s circumstances (the raging storm) what DO you know to be true? What are you thankful for? What’s going well for you in life right now? What is something you could get excited about? With every answer, the wind settles just a little, the clouds start to lessen, and rays of sunshine start to warm you. Even just a little. Before long you can feel solid ground beneath you. Now you can breathe.

Now, you can ask God for a clear path ahead for you. Imagine the best path…full of favor, success, clarity, dreams of truth, joy, peace, and good news. As you smile towards that path, envision the reward ahead…there it is….you can see it, but you can’t reach it, because you can’t seem to make progress. 

This is the part where you recognize the unhealthy attachments you may have with resentment. Go ahead and picture people and events that have held you back, and imagine yourself cutting the cord of connection and running free. Like a miracle, in an instant and the twinkling of an eye, your life can be new! And all it takes is seeing your past and your experiences from a new point of view. Letting go of resentment is truly a step in running towards your rewards in life.  


Discovering new ways to feel inspired to let go and cut off resentment, and finding new visuals are really valuable. Knowing that when you snip off the attachment to resentment, you can run faster and freer towards the rewards of life, it feels easier to let it go.

  • Let’s just not be interested in thinking thoughts of negativity!

  • Let’s agree with God’s ways and God’s thoughts…

Hear more about this on Episode 158 of the “All About Relationships” podcast with Bob and Audrey.