Encouragement Your Ray of Sunshine

Speaking words of encouragement is like using the language of sunshine: Warmth, light, and life. Encouragement is like taking a huge bunch of courage and dropping it straight into your heart and making you strong! Encouragement empowers you, and then when you’re overflowing, you can generously give it to those around you.   

Encouragement is not flattery or empty praise. When we are truly encouraged we become tenacious, inspired with hope and we break through barriers that open doors for us to enter into fulfilled dreams.  

Self-efficacy refers to when we believe in our capacity to execute the behaviors necessary to produce specific attainments. The heart beliefs we establish about our identity and capabilities have the power to break through barriers! Encouragement is a big part of developing our hearts to agree with the very best God has for us.  

All of our behavior, good and bad, emerges from our sense of self…who we believe ourselves to be. We’ll never permanently change our behavior without first changing our identity! It is an individual decision to “encourage ourselves” and choose to agree with what God says about us.  

If we don’t tell our hearts who we are, then our circumstances and families of origin will tell us, resulting in us living in default. Let’s get encouraged…take up the courage…and tell ourselves the wonderful truth. We aren’t here just to survive, but to thrive and do so with passion, compassion, and maybe even some humor and style!  

The Circle of Encouragement 

Encouragement leads to Courage

Courage leads to Confidence

Confidence leads to action

Action leads to accomplishment

Accomplishment leads to more encouragement

Four Benefits of Encouragement

  • Refuge 

    Encouragement reminds us that God cares no matter what is happening around us.

  • Support

    Encouragement persuades you of what you DO HAVE instead of what you DON” T HAVE!

  • Confidence 

    Encouragement stimulates the development of your life with God and makes you determined, eager, and willing to forge ahead! 

  • Hope

    Encouragement cheers you on - uplifts your spirits and gets you above the hope line. 

Encouragement is a remarkable power that resides within each of us. It can ignite a spark of hope, build confidence, and inspire greatness in others. With a few simple words or gestures, we can uplift someone's mood, help them overcome obstacles, and fuel their determination to achieve their goals. The power of encouragement extends beyond the individual receiving it; it creates a ripple effect, spreading positivity and motivation to all those who witness it. 

Encouragement has the potential to bridge gaps, break down barriers, and unite people from all walks of life. It has the power to transform lives, turning doubts into belief and fear into courage. The impact of encouragement is immeasurable, as it instills faith, nurtures resilience, and empowers individuals to unleash their full potential. In a world where negativity often prevails, the power of encouragement is a beacon of light, reminding us that kindness, support, and belief in others can truly make a difference. We believe in you!

Bob & Audrey Meisner