Boredom: The Helpful Signal

Here’s to Embracing Change and Strengthening our Relationships!

We all want a rich, fulfilling, interesting, and meaningful life! We want freedom to express ourselves and experience joy and security together. So what do we do when the dreaded feeling of boredom sets in?  

Boredom in our relationships can serve as a positive motivation to take action and inject new life into the partnership. When boredom sets in, it often indicates a lack of excitement or fulfillment in the relationship. However, rather than viewing it as a negative sign, it can be seen as an opportunity for growth and improvement! 

Boredom can push us to explore new conversations that can lead to new experiences together, reigniting our spark and deepening our connection. It can prompt open and honest conversations about each other’s desires, needs, and expectations, leading to a more fulfilling and mutually rewarding relationship. Boredom acts as a catalyst for change, encouraging us to actively seek ways to nurture and strengthen our bond, ultimately leading to a more satisfying and vibrant partnership.

So let’s do the flip, and look at boredom in a new way! Just as pain warns us of danger, boredom serves as a signal to take action. Instead of seeking quick and effortless escapes, boredom presents an opportunity for positive change and growth. It compels us to pay attention and address the underlying issues that may be affecting us. 

Boredom: The Emotional Engine Light

Boredom, like an emotional engine light, indicates that we may not be on the right track. It signifies a lack of meaning or engagement in what we are doing. Rather than accepting it passively, we are responsible for finding healthy ways to navigate through boredom. It is an invitation to reset, reflect, and reprioritize our goals, both big and small. By anchoring our thoughts and considering the significance of our actions, we can move towards a more purposeful existence.

Differentiating Boredom from Relaxation

Boredom should not be confused with downtime or relaxation. Rather, it’s an uncomfortable state of wanting to be engaged when we feel like there’s no opportunity to do so. Boredom leaves us feeling unsatisfied, lacking choices or options. The knee-jerk reaction for many is to reach for smartphones, which only perpetuates the cycle of boredom as these devices often fail to provide meaningful engagement. Boredom invites us to break free from this cycle and discover more fulfilling activities and connections.

Combating Contempt: Nurturing Love and Admiration

Have you ever heard of the expression, “Familiarity breeds contempt?” 

When you’ve been with the same person for a long time, doing the same things, it can breed familiarity. Contempt is a destructive force that erodes the bond between partners, causing them to feel despised and worthless. It manifests through behaviors such as mocking, sarcasm, or eye-rolling, undermining the positive qualities and admiration we once had for our partners. To combat contempt, we need to focus on cultivating appreciation and fondness. By reminding ourselves of the first love we had for each other, recalling happy memories, and expressing admiration for each other’s positive qualities, we can repair and strengthen the bond in our relationship.

Building a Strong Relationship

To foster love and connection, it is crucial to catch our loved ones "being right" instead of focusing on their mistakes. By appreciating and valuing their efforts, we create a nurturing environment that encourages growth and positivity. Curiosity and playfulness can also reignite the spark in our relationship, as we find joy in discovering new facets of our partners. Engaging in small connecting moments, actively listening, and maintaining a compassionate attitude will further solidify the bond we share.

Creating Rituals and Building the Life You Want

Lastly, building rituals within our relationship allows us to shape the life we desire together. These shared experiences create a sense of belonging and connection, providing us with a foundation of stability and love. By recognizing the value of these rituals and intentionally incorporating them into our lives, we can ensure that our relationship continues to thrive.

So there it is! Boredom isn’t something to be afraid of. It shouldn’t be viewed as a negative aspect of a relationship, but rather as an opportunity for growth, introspection, and positive change. By embracing boredom, prioritizing connection, combatting contempt, and nurturing love and admiration, we can create a relationship that is fulfilling, meaningful, and resilient. So, the next time boredom arises, let it be the motivation to take action and build a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.

Hear more about this on Episode 166 of the “All About Relationships” podcast with Bob and Audrey.

Bob & Audrey Meisner