Defying the Odds: Your Headlines and Happenings

You are bombarded with headlines every day. But you get to write the article. Your choices, responses, and decisions interchange with circumstances to create how your story ends. Every relationship you have is impacted by you, and how you observe it. 

The current happenings and headlines of our lives require us to continually make choices. Popular opinions can represent the voice of fear that screams doom, gloom, and reason to worry, but we get to defy the odds! Get ready to feel powerful as you make the choice and say YES to blessing, favor, laughing, rest, increase, advancement, and freedom…all the things that make life amazing.  

The twelve spies in the Bible all witnessed the SAME circumstances, same land, same everything, and yet they came back with two completely different reports of what they saw! Ten said, no. Two said, Go. there are giants ahead. When a headline hits you…news of some kind…fear will want to scream and take you to the land of suffering. However, hope and faith are whispering into your heart…let’s get infused with faith and move forward. Let’s get filled up with hope and think about the best of this world and the people that we live with.  

Life isn’t about circumstance, it’s about who you are agreeing with. 

  1. The current happenings and headlines of our lives require us to continually make choices.  

  2. Popular opinions can represent the voice of fear that screams doom, gloom, and reason to worry, but we get to defy the odds!  

  3. Feel powerful as you make the choice and say YES to blessing, favor, laughing, rest, increase, advancement, and freedom…all the things that make life amazing.  

You are going to have forks in the road all day. You are going to be faced with a choice. Should I agree with fear, or will I align with faith and hope? Depending on who you agree with affects where you end up.

There is a tragedy when we align ourselves with popular opinion. Bad news, giving full attention and focus to what “could go wrong” spirals us into despair. Despair turns into cynicism and ultimately robs us of our will to live and make the most of each day. But take a deep breath, and feel the possibilities. Feel the probabilities. We are created to depend on God, and He is all-powerful and able to download His wisdom into us.  

When you feel resistance within a relationship, take the opportunity to be kind. Your kindness offers strength to the person you are with and doesn’t remind them of their shortcomings or weaknesses.  

Involving your faith and igniting your imagination is the perfect first step in participating in God’s reality of heaven on earth.  

Hear more about this on Episode 167 of the “All About Relationships” podcast with Bob and Audrey. 

Bob & Audrey Meisner